Professions for Persons with Disabilities
Progress does not stand still and gradually equalizes the rights and opportunities of all groups of people.
Innovations for people with disabilities
Progress does not stand still and gradually equalizes the rights and opportunities of all groups of people.
People who have lost one of their limbs, or have lost the ability to walk completely due to paralysis or spinal cord damage, use prostheses or exoskeletons that partially compensate for the loss.
People who have lost all or part of their sight are significantly limited in their lives, unable to perform the simplest of tasks, unable to see their companion or having difficulty navigating and reading.
The most important condition for social and especially labor adaptation is the introduction into the public consciousness of the idea of equal rights and opportunities for disabled people.
Eye tracking devices are communication and control systems that monitor eye movements and allow people with total loss of mobility and speech to control a computer or mobile device by eye movement alone.